Tag Archives: scapping

DIY, man style

The family rust farm

Outside of the coffee shop today, Milo spotted a small plastic aligator that some kiddo must’ve left behind. He really wanted to take it home. I told him that he should leave it in case the child came back looking for it. He said, “but I want to be like Dad and score it.” I explained that even when you find a “score” you have to make sure that it doesn’t belong to anyone anymore and that we’ll check again tomorrow, if it’s still there, he can scoop it up.

Squirrel score

If you don’t know my hubby, you should. He’s a great guy and a super duper papa. When I was shooting the pics for the post I fell in love with him all over again. Looking at his collections was like looking into his brain. After ten years of scoring in alleys and job sites and junks stores, collecting and chit chatting about our “you know what would be awesome…” ideas, I’m still every bit in love with the man. So here’s a photographic peek inside the scrappin’, junkin’, DIY mind of Mr. Fessler…

This is a pretty close representation of Jon's brain. We found all these marbles over the years...to replace the ones Jon lost...hardeharhar.

Keeping me from loosing my keys is a good thing

Hammer time

three of about twenty jarred collections

Did I mention he's also super skilled with clay?

License plate gate to Milo-land

The tour-de-Fess, the pallet shed. Built from junked shipping pallets, old windows, and doors. Cost= $50 for nails and screws

Jon came home from school on his bike with this on Monday

More collections

To know him, is to love him xoxo